娃 我又寫啦
最近 疑似很忙碌 首先要習慣每天早起
我有個朋友文筆很好 有個朋友很會畫畫 有個朋友的右手很酷 有好多特別的朋友
然後還是持續找不到眼鏡 每次洗完澡 洗完臉 換衣服等等等 需要先把眼鏡拿下來的事情之後
就會忘記我放在哪裡 昨天就忘記兩次 平常大概兩三天會忘一次
沒戴眼鏡看不清楚又要找很久 真的是 很麻煩
差那麼一點(也許是差很多點?) 世界就不一樣了
大一有一次社課國晉說 喔不愧是小許的學生 大鼓很有力
大家排一排練打點 就會很開心 晚上排練室關燈了還在外面賭疊疊樂
記住太多這些雜七雜八的東西應該不是壞事喔 人生那麼長 不趁現在多儲存一些溫暖的回憶
等被社會壓的亂七八糟 變僵硬的上班人就來不及啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
還好目前為止小朋友們都很歡樂的樣子 希望今年就是美好的一年 否極泰來!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(也否太久了點)
讓學長姊回來看到社團又充滿活力到爆炸!!!!!!!!!!!!(比三年前還爆炸!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 哈
Killer Cars Lyrics
Too hard on the brakes again,
What if these brakes just give in?
What if they don't get outta the way?
What if there's someone overtaking?
I'm going out for a little drive, and it could be the last time you see me alive
There could be an idiot on the road,
The only kick in life is pumping that steel.
Lock me up in the back of the trunk, packed with foam and blind drunk.
They won't ever take me alive, cause they all drive..
Don't die on the motorway,
The moon would freeze, the plants would die,
I couldn't cope if you crashed today,
All the things I forgot to say,
I'm going out for a little drive, and it could be the last time you see me alive,
What if that car loses control.
What if there's someone overtaking.
Wrap me up in the back of the trunk, packed with foam and blind drunk.
They won't ever take me alive, cause they all drive...
Killer Cars.. yeah..
Hey hey, hey hey, hey hey, hey.. hey..
Wrap me up in the back of a trunk, packed with foam and blind drunk.
They won't ever take me alive, cause they all drive...
Killer Cars...
They all drive... Killer Cars
They all driiiive....... Killer Cars
最近 疑似很忙碌 首先要習慣每天早起
我有個朋友文筆很好 有個朋友很會畫畫 有個朋友的右手很酷 有好多特別的朋友
然後還是持續找不到眼鏡 每次洗完澡 洗完臉 換衣服等等等 需要先把眼鏡拿下來的事情之後
就會忘記我放在哪裡 昨天就忘記兩次 平常大概兩三天會忘一次
沒戴眼鏡看不清楚又要找很久 真的是 很麻煩
差那麼一點(也許是差很多點?) 世界就不一樣了
大一有一次社課國晉說 喔不愧是小許的學生 大鼓很有力
大家排一排練打點 就會很開心 晚上排練室關燈了還在外面賭疊疊樂
記住太多這些雜七雜八的東西應該不是壞事喔 人生那麼長 不趁現在多儲存一些溫暖的回憶
等被社會壓的亂七八糟 變僵硬的上班人就來不及啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
還好目前為止小朋友們都很歡樂的樣子 希望今年就是美好的一年 否極泰來!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(也否太久了點)
讓學長姊回來看到社團又充滿活力到爆炸!!!!!!!!!!!!(比三年前還爆炸!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 哈
Killer Cars Lyrics
Too hard on the brakes again,
What if these brakes just give in?
What if they don't get outta the way?
What if there's someone overtaking?
I'm going out for a little drive, and it could be the last time you see me alive
There could be an idiot on the road,
The only kick in life is pumping that steel.
Lock me up in the back of the trunk, packed with foam and blind drunk.
They won't ever take me alive, cause they all drive..
Don't die on the motorway,
The moon would freeze, the plants would die,
I couldn't cope if you crashed today,
All the things I forgot to say,
I'm going out for a little drive, and it could be the last time you see me alive,
What if that car loses control.
What if there's someone overtaking.
Wrap me up in the back of the trunk, packed with foam and blind drunk.
They won't ever take me alive, cause they all drive...
Killer Cars.. yeah..
Hey hey, hey hey, hey hey, hey.. hey..
Wrap me up in the back of a trunk, packed with foam and blind drunk.
They won't ever take me alive, cause they all drive...
Killer Cars...
They all drive... Killer Cars
They all driiiive....... Killer Cars